Washington was a pretty crazy place. While our saga of being sick wasn't exactly the greatest, we had some phenomenal times walking through the final state of the PCT. As always, the people we hiked with were some of our favorite highlights. We had such great times on trail.
You eat that lunch Butters. You eat it good.
Smitty traversing a snowfield in Goat Rocks.
Dan decided to hang up his tent to let it dry while he ate breakfast. Who does that?
Butters at the hotel in Snoqualmie.
Dan (with Winston) Hiking out of Snoqualmie Pass.
Butters at the Dinsmore's Hiker Haven in Skykomish.
traversing the "impassable" trail with Trip, Mongo and co.
Impassable? Ya, we don't think so. Trip, Dan, Mongo and Frizzle.
Loved the way the light hit this bridge.
DANG, this bridge is hella messed up.
Dan was a cat on the monument at the Canadian border.
Border to border, baby.
Dan had to pull the harmonica out and play a quick song for Canada.